Prioritising health in Dachshunds - introducing the IVDD scheme supported by the Kennel Club
Prioritising health in Dachshunds - introducing the IVDD scheme supported by the Kennel Club

Keep your dog safe at Christmas - advice from the Kennel Club
The Kennel Club offers advice to keep the UK’s nine million dogs safe this festive season

Kennel Club announces Combibreed DNA test packages for Miniature Dachshunds
Kennel Club announces Combibreed DNA test packages for Miniature Dachshunds

Please support the RVC's Pandemic Puppies survey
Please support the RVC's Pandemic Puppies survey

Analysis of breed Caesarean Sections
I am grateful to Cassie Smith for allowing me to reproduce her recent analysis of the rates of caesarean sections in pedigree dogs, as...

DNA test for Intervertebral Disc Disease is not recommended
A team of Danish researchers has published a paper that confirms our earlier findings that the so-called UC Davis DNA test for IVDD is...