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KC/BVA Eye Testing - £20 per dog 16th November 2019

Professor Peter Bedford will be conducting a KC/BVA Eye Testing Session during the Dachshund Club's Championship Show at Stoneleigh, Warks. We are delighted to welcome Professor Bedford, as he used to do the Eye Testing sessions for the Long Haired Dachshund Club.

Due to the DNA test for Cord1 PRA, Clinical Eye Screening has gradually become less widely used, which means that any other eye anomalies are being missed.

All Dachshunds are welcome, it doesn't matter if it's a much-loved pet or a glamorous show champion! For any newcomers to the Dachshund World, we thought this might help:

The procedure initially involves eye drops, which dilate the pupils, and waiting for approximately 20 minutes before your dogs are examined with an ophthalmoscope in a darkened room. This is a private consultation.

Please bring your Kennel Club Registration for each dog. There is a little bit of paperwork beforehand, but nothing to worry about.

Because of the eye drops, it would be sensible to have your bitches done during the dog judging and dogs during the bitch judging. No appointment times will be given.

The Kennel Club building has a room specially equipped and ideal for the purpose, therefore the Dachshund Club Championship Show is the ideal venue.

Cost for Dachshunds only will be £20.00 per dog thanks to a generous subsidy offered by Dachshund Health UK (registered charity). Any other breed of dog may come for testing at £42.00 per dog. Please bring your Kennel Club Registration with you. Microchips will also be checked.

To book your dogs for testing at this unique price, or ask for further information, please contact Daphne Graham on 01335 350248 or email: to give us an idea of ​​numbers attending.

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