Mini Wire Lafora screening trends 2012-2022: a 10-year success story
We now have 10 years' trend data on the effectiveness of the Lafora DNA screening programme in Mini Wire Dachshunds. Back in 2012, more than half the litters bred were "unsafe"; being bred from either untested parents or a combination where affected puppies could be born. Last year (2022), 96% of litters were safe, with no risk of producing affected puppies.
Without the screening programme and, based on an estimated 10% affected puppies in 2012, approximately 500 affected puppies would have been bred since 2012. Last year, nearly 900 Mini Wire puppies were bred, so the number of affected puppies born in at-risk litters would have been just 3 or 4.
This achievement is the result of a fantastic commitment from breeders, support from our Breed Clubs (the Wirehaired Dachshund Club, in particular), the Kennel Club, and educational campaigns led by owners of affected dogs (Gill Key deserves a special mention). Our Breed Clubs raised more than £24,000 to support research to develop the DNA test and to subsidise screening sessions. The Kennel Club Charitable Trust also provided a grant to support this. Thanks also to Mandy Dance for continuing to analyse the data in the Breed Records Supplement.
Additionally, since the end of 2012, the breed average Coefficient of Inbreeding has reduced from 10.8% to 5.8% (according to KC data).

Find out more about Lafora and health screening for breeders.
